What are the essential requirements for rental refrigeration?

Flexibility is often the key to success, especially in dynamic sectors such as the pharmaceutical, chemical and food industries. Rental refrigeration offers a versatile solution for companies facing temporary cooling needs or unexpected challenges. But what exactly does rental refrigeration entail and what options are available? And what should you look out for when considering using rental refrigeration.


Why choose rental refrigeration?

Rental cooling is often a cost-effective solution when there is a sudden need for additional cooling capacity. Instead of investing in permanent installations, renting offers flexibility and rapid deployment. Whether it is a temporary peak in production in the food industry, a planned renovation of existing cooling systems in a pharmaceutical laboratory, or an unexpected breakdown in a chemical plant, rental cooling can ensure the continuity of your business processes.


A temporary peak in production in the food industry, a planned renovation of existing cooling systems in a pharmaceutical laboratory, or an unexpected breakdown in a chemical plant. Coolworld takes care of it.

What is a chiller and how does it work?

A chiller, or water cooler, is a versatile device that can be used for both process cooling and climate control. The principle is simple but effective:

  • A liquid, usually water, is cooled in a closed circuit.
  • This cooled liquid is then piped to machines or air-conditioning systems.

The temperature range for the liquid is typically between -15°C and +25°C, making chillers suitable for a wide range of applications.


Chillers are particularly popular in plastics processing, where they are used to cool hot plastics. In the pharmaceutical industry, they are often used to cool reactors, while in the chemical sector they are crucial for temperature control during sensitive processes. Their versatility makes them a favourite in various industrial sectors.


The versatility of cold stores

So where are cold rooms used? From pharmaceutical storage areas to food production facilities, cold rooms are indispensable in many sectors. These large, insulated spaces are kept at a constant temperature to ensure the quality of sensitive products. In the food industry, they ensure the freshness of ingredients, while in laboratories they are essential for storing temperature-sensitive samples and in the chemical industry for the safe storage of reactive substances.


Refrigerated containers: customised mobile refrigeration

How flexible are reefer containers? Very flexible, as it turns out. Our mobile cooling units are not only suitable for transport, but also provide a solution for temporary cooling needs. With temperatures ranging from -25°C to +25°C, and special units that can even reach -70°C to +40°C, refrigerated containers can be used for various purposes. They are ideal for large events, temporary storage of pharmaceutical products, or as backup during maintenance of fixed cooling systems in any industry.



Always a solution

Understanding the different options in rental refrigeration is essential for making the right choice for your business, whether you operate in the food, pharmaceutical or chemical industry. If you are looking for a temporary solution for process cooling, need extra storage capacity, or are facing unexpected cooling challenges, there is always a suitable rental solution available.


Freezers: more than just food storage


What distinguishes freezer cells from ordinary refrigerated containers? Freezer units from Coolworld Rentals offer two crucial advantages:


  • They are robustly built for intensive use.
  • They comply with the HACCP standard, essential for the food industry.

Besides their obvious role in food storage, freezers are also indispensable in the pharmaceutical industry for long-term storage of biological samples and in the chemical sector for storing temperature-sensitive chemicals.


Shockfreezers: speed makes the difference


Why are shock freezers so important in various industries? Shock-freezers, or freezers, offer a unique advantage: they cool products extremely quickly. This rapid freezing process, known as shock freezing, is crucial for maintaining the quality and texture of food products. It minimises the formation of ice crystals, allowing products to better retain their original texture and flavour after thawing. In the pharmaceutical industry, shock freezers are used for rapid freezing of biological materials, while in the chemical sector they are used for rapid cooling of reactive products.



Coolworld Rentals offers a wide range of rental refrigeration options, from chillers to shock freezers, each tailored to specific needs. By making the right choice, you can not only save costs, but also improve the efficiency and flexibility of your business processes. We are happy to help you make the right choice. 


Frequently asked questions

Do you also provide power generator rental services?

Yes, we can help. Coolworld provides you with a complete rental solution. We work with both international and local certified partners in your area. Contact our service desk. We will quickly compile your rental solution with a suitable offer.

Where can I find information on pricing and rental costs?

We intentionally do not publish prices on our website. To provide an appropriate offer as quickly as possible, we prefer to process your request through a short personal intake by phone or on location. This is the quickest way to get a suitable offer or specific price indication from a specialist. Many solutions are tailored solutions where we directly present you with (better) alternatives, required accessories and energy-efficient settings. The aim is to find a solution that best suits your needs with, of course, an appropriate price calculation immediately or as soon as possible.

What does 'Full Service Rental' mean?

For Coolworld renting means more than just supplying equipment. As standard you can count on expert advice, a flexible approach and a solution-oriented fast turnkey delivery. But even after commissioning you can call on Coolworld at any time. With our own 24/7/365 service department we guarantee a reliable solution. This complete package of dedicated services and solutions is part of the Full Service Rental formula.

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