Indispensable cooling power: How Coolworld keeps the (petro)chemical industry running.

Safety and expertise are crucial in the chemical sector. Critical processes require precise handling. By leaving nothing to chance and always finding a tailor-made solution, Coolworld became an expert in cooling solutions in this complex industry. Jan Dehennin, Senior Account Manager, explains in 7 questions Coolworld's strength as a partner in chemistry. 


What is the main reason why companies in the chemical sector need temporary additional cooling capacity? 


‘Refineries or production plants sometimes have temporary cooling capacity problems. Especially in summer due to high outside temperatures, but also due to a sudden increase in demand or a temporary production need. Many companies in the chemical industry operate cooling installations that are decades old. These installations are usually already at the limit of their capabilities and are unable to provide extra capacity when the situation demands it. Coolworld's rental solutions then do provide this extra cooling capacity.’  


What advantages does it offer companies in the chemical industry to rent, rather than buy new refrigeration equipment themselves? 


‘The advantage of renting is that we offer a solution specific to the customer's problem. Coolworld provides an installation that generates exactly the percentage of extra capacity that is needed at the time. If there is a structural problem with capacity, customers sometimes turn to the permanent purchase of a new installation.’




‘When it comes to temporary scale-up, a rental solution is ideal. It allows you to continue to produce optimally without large investments, which is especially nice in times of economic uncertainty.’ 

What expertise should you have as a refrigeration expert to be active in the chemical sector? 


‘To work in this sector, you need to know the background and processes of chemistry. How does it work to split a barrel of oil into different sub-products? At a production site or refinery, you have to deal with engineers who are technically skilled. To work well with them and spar with them, a solid technical basis is required. Plus, of course, a dose of knowledge about our own products. Like our chillers, dry coolers and cooling towers. I myself was trained as an industrial engineer in chemical process technology. I use that knowledge every day to provide customised cooling solutions to our customers in this sector.’ 


What are your main challenges in this industry? 


‘Four things are crucial when working with customers in the chemical sector: safety, environmental safety, reliability and performance. Here, safety is the absolute number one. That is the most important thing of all. Safety of people as well as operational safety.’  


How does Coolworld ensure this security? 


‘We do this by carefully studying our customers' safety requirements and measures, as well as ensuring that our machines are optimally maintained. We also think in scenarios. What can happen if we link our installations to the customer's system? And how can we react quickly if something goes wrong? That requires knowledge and good communication. We have a lot of contact with various stakeholders on the shop floor. Together we check all possible risks. We then make sure scenarios for possible problems are ready in advance. That's how you build a relationship of trust with the customer.’ 


Other important factors are environmental safety, reliability and performance. How does Coolworld ensure this is optimally taken care of? 


‘Environmental safety is becoming increasingly important. One example is wastewater. You have to cool that to a certain temperature before you can discharge it. After all, waste water that is too warm is harmful to the environment. This is strictly controlled. Coolworld helps to bring waste water to the right temperature. We also invest in energy-efficient equipment that matches our customers' sustainable ambitions. Diesel generators make way for energetic solutions. 


We ensure reliability through continuous monitoring and by being prepared for anything. We ensure that a back-up installation is on standby. This brings us to our fourth success factor: performance. Customers come to us because they have a problem. We have to solve it. No matter what. We do what is asked of us.  


When it comes to safety, environmental safety, reliability and performance, everything just has to be right. Coolworld does not compromise on that. As a result, customers know we have them covered.’ 


What can you expect?

Total unburdening. That is the most important thing for us. We work with a ‘full service’ approach. Not only do we provide a careful analysis, suitable solution and flawless implementation, but we constantly monitor the installation afterwards and make adjustments where necessary. And if our installation has to stay in place longer than planned, that's no problem. We offer the flexibility, quality and service our customers need.’ 


Questions or learn more about rental solutions for the (petro)chemical sector? 




Frequently asked questions

What do you do with out-dated cooling units?

When cooling units have reached the end of their lifespan and ‘the box’ itself is still good, we refurbish them. The old cooling technology goes out, the new one goes in. This way, we ensure that you as a customer have a perfectly functioning unit with the very latest technology and a low GWP. 

Legislation on Global Warming Potential values is being tightened considerably. What does that mean for me as a customer?

As our customer, we want to offer you the best possible temperature solution. That means that that solution works perfectly, is safe and meets all environmental legal requirements. In 2018, we made major investments in units with natural refrigerants such as CO2. And we are continuously researching other ways of cooling, such as dry cooling. So you can rest assured that your refrigeration system always meets the latest environmental standards. Want to know more? Then read the article How Coolworld reduces the carbon footprint of its rental fleet.

What ISO environmental certification does Coolworld have?

Coolworld has ISO 14001 certification.

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